Golden Tone Double-Sided Pendants on Golden Chain. Sold As a Set Of 8 Medallions. Variety of Holy Images. Image Etched Into Glass Visible on Both Sides. Total Length: 13. Pendant Length: 1.5. THIS IS A SET OF 8 PENDANTS. IMAGES VARY AND INCLUDE JESUS MARY AND SAINTS
Beautiful Blue Glass Heart Necklace with Blue Beads and Golden Beaded String. Heart Size: 1.25 x 1.25. Necklace size: 11. Lobster Claw. Comes in a nice box.
This Heart is made of Glass therefore be aware that in the event of damage the glass become sharp with risk of injury. Whilest the product is robust please check the piece from time to time that is has not been accisdentaly chipped or cracked Jewelry should never been given to young children.